Company details
Office: | MAAS CPS B.V. Netwerk 121 1446 WV Purmerend The Netherlands |
Warehouse: | MAAS CPS B.V. Signaal 82 1446 XA Purmerend The Netherlands |
Tel. (general) | +31(0)299-391510 |
Tel. (sales) | +31(0)299-391515 |
Fax | +31(0)299-391514 |
E-mail | |
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C.o.C. number | 36038854 |
VAT nummer | NL820838160B01 |
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Openingtimes | |
Monday to Friday | 8.30 - 12.30 AM / 1.00 - 5.00 PM |
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You may meet us at one of the following exhibitions: